Elisa A Colorimetric Chemiluminescent Fluorescent Signal.

Human Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 4 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

IHUSTAT4KTC Innovative research each 545 EUR
Description: Human Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 4 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

Fluorescent Elisa Laboratories manufactures the elisa a colorimetric chemiluminescent fluorescent signal. reagents distributed by Genprice. The Elisa A Colorimetric Chemiluminescent Fluorescent Signal. reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact fluorescent elisa. Other Elisa products are available in stock. Specificity: Elisa Category: A Group: Colorimetric Chemiluminescent

Protein A Fluorescent Particles

Spherotech 5 mL 438 EUR
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Signal Enhancer HIKARI for Western Blotting and ELISA Solution A


Porcine True insulin ELISA kit

BlueGene 96T 700 EUR
Description: ELISA

Goat True insulin ELISA kit

BlueGene 96T 700 EUR
Description: ELISA

Rabbit True insulin ELISA kit

BlueGene 96T 700 EUR
Description: ELISA

Canine True insulin ELISA kit

BlueGene 96T 700 EUR
Description: ELISA

Monkey True insulin ELISA kit

BlueGene 96T 700 EUR
Description: ELISA

Colorimetric Chemiluminescent information

Human Activin A Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

IHUATVAKTC Innovative research each 545 EUR
Description: Human Activin A Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

Mouse Activin A Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

IMSATVAKTC Innovative research each 545 EUR
Description: Mouse Activin A Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

G9a Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

52001L BPS Bioscience 96 rxns. 750 EUR
Description: The G9a Direct Activity Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure G9a_x000D_activity for screening and profiling applications. The key to the G9a Direct Activity Assay_x000D_Kit is a highly specific antibody that recognizes methylated K9 residue of Histone H3. With_x000D_this kit, only three simple steps are required for methyltransferase detection. First,_x000D_S-adenosylmethionine is incubated with a sample containing assay buffer_x000D_and methyltransferase enzyme for one hour. Next, primary antibody is added._x000D_Finally, the strips are treated with an HRP-labeled secondary antibody followed by_x000D_addition of the HRP substrate to produce chemiluminescence that can then be measured_x000D_using a chemiluminescence reader.

FTO Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

79344 BPS Bioscience 96 rxns. 765 EUR
Description: The FTO Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure FTO activity for screening and profiling applications. The key to the FTO Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is a highly specific antibody that recognizes methylated substrate. Signal is inversely related to the activity. With this kit, only three simple steps on a microtiter plate are required for detection of demethylase activity. First, FTO enzyme is incubated with the substrate. Next, primary antibody is added. Finally, the plate is treated with an HRPlabeled secondary antibody followed by the addition of the HRP substrate to produce chemiluminescence that can be measured using a chemiluminescence reader.

96-Well Ras Activation ELISA Kit (Chemiluminescent)

MBS168173-5x96Assays MyBiosource 5x96Assays 4825 EUR

96-Well Ras Activation ELISA Kit (Chemiluminescent)

MBS168173-96Assays MyBiosource 96Assays 1045 EUR

96-Well Ras Activation ELISA Kit (Chemiluminescent)

STA-441 Cell Biolabs 96 assays 810 EUR

Mouse granzyme A Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

IMSGZMAKTC Innovative research each 545 EUR
Description: Mouse granzyme A Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Kit

GCN5 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

50079L BPS Bioscience 96 rxns. 465 EUR
Description: The GCN5 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) designed to screen for inhibitors of GCN5. The GCN5 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is based on the GCN5 enzyme transferring an acetyl group from an acetyl donor (acetyl CoA) to a histone substrate. The acetylated histone is recognized by a highly specific primary antibody, followed by an HRP-labeled secondary antibody. The chemiluminescence produced by HRP can be measured using a chemiluminescence reader. _x000D_

TET1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

50651 BPS Bioscience 96 rxns. 725 EUR
Description: The TET1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure TET1 activity for screening and profiling applications. TET1 belongs to the Ten Eleven Translocation (TET) family proteins that catalyze 5-methylcytosine oxidation and generate 5-methylcytosine derivatives, including 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. TET1 may repress gene transcription in a catalytic activity-independent manner_x000D__x000D_ The key to the TET1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is a highly specific antibody that recognizes hydroxymethylated substrate. With this kit, only three simple steps on a microtiter plate are required for detection of TET1 activity. First, the TET1 enzyme is incubated with the methylated substrate for two hours. Then the primary antibody is added. Next, the plate is treated with an HRP-labeled secondary antibody. Finally, the HRP substrate is added to produce chemiluminescence that can be measured using a chemiluminescence reader. _x000D_

TET2 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

50652 BPS Bioscience 96 rxns. 760 EUR
Description: The TET2 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure TET2 activity for screening and profiling applications. TET2 belongs to the Ten Eleven Translocation (TET) family proteins that catalyze 5-methylcytosine oxidation and generate 5-methylcytosine derivatives, including 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. TET2 is one of the most frequently mutated genes in myeloid malignancies. _x000D__x000D__x000D__x000D_ The key to the TET2 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is a highly specific antibody that recognizes hydroxymethylated substrate. With this kit, only three simple steps on a microtiter plate are required for detection of TET2 activity. First, TET2 enzyme is incubated with the methylated substrate for two hours. Then the primary antibody is added. Next, the plate is treated with an HRP-labeled secondary antibody. Finally, the HRP substrate is added to produce chemiluminescence that can be measured using a chemiluminescence reader.

EZH2 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

52009L BPS Bioscience 96 rxns. 1550 EUR
Description: The EZH2 Direct Activity Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure activity of the_x000D_EZH2 complex (EZH2/EED/SUZ12/RbAp48/AEBP) for screening and profiling_x000D_applications. The_x000D_key to the EZH2 Direct Activity Assay Kit is a highly specific antibody that recognizes_x000D_methylated Histone H3K27. With this kit, only three simple steps on a microtiter plate are_x000D_required for methyltransferase detection. First, S-adenosylmethionine is incubated with a_x000D_sample containing assay buffer and methyltransferase enzyme for one hour. Next, primary_x000D_antibody is added. Finally, the plate is treated with an HRP-labeled secondary antibody_x000D_followed by addition of the HRP substrate to produce chemiluminescence that can then be_x000D_measured using a chemiluminescence reader._x000D_

EZH1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

52079 BPS Bioscience 96 rxns. 1550 EUR
Description: The EZH1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure activity of the_x000D_EZH1 complex (EZH1/EED/SUZ12/RbAp48/AEBP) for screening and profiling purposes. The key to the EZH1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is_x000D_a highly specific antibody that recognizes methylated Histone H3K27. With this kit, only three_x000D_simple steps on a microtiter plate are required for methyltransferase detection. First, Sadenosylmethionine_x000D_is incubated with a sample containing assay buffer and methyltransferase_x000D_enzyme for one hour. Next, primary antibody is added. Finally, the plate is treated with an HRPlabeled_x000D_secondary antibody followed by addition of the HRP substrate to produce_x000D_chemiluminescence that can then be measured using a chemiluminescence reader.

EZH2 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

52085 BPS Bioscience 384 rxns. 2750 EUR
Description: The EZH2 WT (Wild Type) Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure activity of the EZH2 complex (EZH2/EED/SUZ12/RbAp48/ AEBP) for screening and profiling purposes.

EZH1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

52990 BPS Bioscience 384 rxns. 4120 EUR
Description: The EZH1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure activity of the EZH1 complex (EZH1/EED/SUZ12/RbAp48/ AEBP) for screening and profiling purposes. The key to the EZH1 Assay Kit is a highly specific antibody that recognizes methylated Histone H3K27. With this kit, only three simple steps on a microtiter plate are required for methyltransferase detection. First, S-adenosylmethionine is incubated with a sample containing assay buffer and methyltransferase enzyme for two hours. Next, primary antibody is added. Finally, the plate is treated with an HRP-labeled secondary antibody followed by addition of the HRP substrate to produce chemiluminescence that can then be measured using a chemiluminescence reader.

NSD2 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

53009 BPS Bioscience 96 rxns. 750 EUR
Description: The NSD2 Direct Activity Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure NSD2_x000D_activity for screening and profiling applications. The key to the NSD2 Chemiluminescent Activity Assay_x000D_Kit is a highly specific antibody that recognizes methylated residue of Histone H3. With this_x000D_kit, only three simple steps are required for methyltransferase detection. First, S-_x000D_adenosylmethionine is incubated with a sample containing assay buffer and_x000D_methyltransferase enzyme. Next, primary antibody is added. Finally, the plate is treated_x000D_with an HRP-labeled secondary antibody followed by addition of the HRP substrate to_x000D_produce chemiluminescence that can then be measured using a chemiluminescence_x000D_reader.

NSD3 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

53012 BPS Bioscience 96 rxns. 750 EUR
Description: The NSD3 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure NSD3 activity_x000D_for screening and profiling applications. The NSD3 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit comes in a_x000D_convenient format, with 96-well plate precoated with a specific substrate, the antibody against_x000D_methylated lysine residue of Histone H3, a secondary HRP-labeled antibody, Sadenosylmethionine,_x000D_methyltransferase assay buffer, and purified NSD3 enzyme for 96 enzyme_x000D_reactions. The key to the NSD3 Chemiluminescent Activity Assay Kit is a highly specific antibody_x000D_that recognizes methylated residue of Histone H3. With this kit, only three simple steps are_x000D_required for methyltransferase detection. First, S-adenosylmethionine is incubated with a sample_x000D_containing assay buffer and methyltransferase enzyme. Next, primary antibody is added. Finally,_x000D_the plate is treated with an HRP-labeled secondary antibody followed by addition of the HRP_x000D_substrate to produce chemiluminescence that can then be measured using a chemiluminescence_x000D_reader.